Friday, December 26, 2008

Lots to Report!!!!

The past two months have been the most eventful of my life, hands down! It all started in February when I landed in the ER with my usual abdominal pain. And yes, it was a Crohn's flare, which I usually bounce back from in a few weeks. Not this time. My health has been slowly declining since, even after trying all things natural and holistic!(everything) I have taken every supplement under the sun and done far infrared sauna and hyperbaric chamber treatments...and seen little improvement.
If all those can't help, I know what can. So, I broke out the big guns and headed for Hawaii knowing that it would cure me. Momi begged and begged for us to come out even though we were right in the middle of a move. So, we went. Ocean had a blast with Momi. I stayed in bed and in a couple of days ended up at Queens Hospital ER and stayed for 2 days. They told me my kidney's were begginning to fail as the diseased bowel was resting on them. Sweet. After being pumped full of drugs I left to enjoy a couple of good days in Hawaii visiting North Shore plantations and swimming in the beautiful Ocean. We were home by Thanksgiving with two days to move. Momi and Tim packed and moved our entire house in 2 days. So many thanks!
So, a day or so later I woke up with severe abdominal pain, and I knew it was bad.

We headed for Mission Hospital where I ended up in the ICU for about a week awaiting surgery.
Lots of prayers, blessings and tender mercies later I underwent major abdominal surgery where an amazing surgeon removed 2 1/2 feet of diseased bowel, along with my appendix (for fun) and terminal ileum and cecum and a portion of my colon. My kidney's were beginning to fail because of the pressure from the diseased bowel pushing against them, so I had an extremely painful tube sent through my back into my kidney that was supposed to alleviate the pressure. Super exciting! I'm trying to be quick because I have Ocean wanting to go outside on my right.

Thank you for every one's prayers and thoughts and cards. It has all helped so much!! I'm recovering well and getting better and better every day. My deepest gratitude goes out to Momi, My Mom and Miguel for taking such good care of Ocean while I stayed in the hospital. I was gone so long that Ocean began calling Baba, "mom." But, she still knows who her mama is! I came home to a very independent, stair climbing little love bug of a toddler.
Now, Miguel and Ocean and I are trying to settle in our new home and we are as happy as can be...hoping that 2009 is a little better than 2008. That's the super quick version. Love to all...